President Julie Slocum called the June dinner meeting of the Sedalia Business Women was called to order and Chaplin Debbie Ulmer gave the invocation.
The June meeting was under the direction of the Finance Committee, Janice Cones, chair.
Virgil McDonald, of Edward Jones was the speaker. He discussed women and their retirement options. He distributed handouts and talked about choosing the correct IRA, traditional or Roth. He also spoke about how to donate IRA distributions to charity to reduce the tax implications of mandatory or voluntary withdrawals from a traditional IRA.
Janice Cones, finance chair, presented the 2023-2024 budget to the membership for approval. The budget was voted on and approved. She also presented the year end audit prepared by Kelly Asbury, auditor. Della Schnakenberg was once again commended for her services as treasurer.
The July dinner meeting will be under the direction of the Issues Management Committee, Rachel Monaghan, chair.
The August Meeting will be the club’s annual Paddle Party. Members were encouraged to reach out to businesses for any auction items or to make personal donations.