In the absence of President Julie Slocum, the September dinner meeting of the Sedalia Business Women was called to order by Janice Cones, President-Elect at 6:30 p.m. at the Shrine Multi-Purpose Building. Debbie Ulmer, Chaplain, gave the invocation. Janice Cones led the club in the Club Collect followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Joyce Grinstead introduced the guests.
The September dinner meeting was under the direction of the Career Advance Committee, Dianne Simon, chair. The program for the evening was presentation of scholarships. The speakers were scholarship recipients: Rachel Monaghan, Heather Hawkins, Megan Fitzwater, and Nakiya Poindexter.
Tickets and flyers for the October 22nd Chicken Dinner were available at the September meeting. The sign-up sheet was passed around and will be passed around at October meeting as well.